Technical Committee

Upcoming Technical Committee Meeting
Date: March 19, 2025
Location: Baltimore, MD

NMSA’s Technical Committee (TC), is a focused group composed of safety professionals tasked with monitoring, analyzing, and disseminating any information that affects occupational safety & health in maritime transportation. Committee members continuously gather information from numerous sources including the Federal Register, Department of Labor/OSHA, Maritime Advisory Committee for Occupational Safety &; Health (MACOSH), Department of Transportation/PHMSA, EPA, International Maritime Organization (IMO), partnering subject matter experts, and fellow NMSA members with unique expertise.

Erick Hawley-Saia – Chairman Director of Safety & Loss Control
Greenwich Terminals, LLC
Philadelphia, PA
Representing Ports of the Delaware River Marine Trade Association
Jeff Brown – Vice Chairman Senior Manager, HSSE/FSO
Fenix Marine Services
San Pedro, CA
Representing Pacific Maritime Association
Robert Wills – Recording Secretary HS&E Manager
Gateway Terminal LLC
Charleston, SC
Representing Georgia Stevedores Association
Christopher Allen Director HSSE
APM Terminals
Los Angeles, CA
Representing Pacific Maritime Association
Dr. Sharifa Batts, DBA, MBA Vice President, ESG & Safety
Ports America
San Pedro, CA
Representing Pacific Maritime Association
John Bevilacqua HSE Manager
Ports America Chesapeake
Representing Steamship Trade Association of Baltimore
John Bloess Senior Loss Control Manager
The American Equity Underwriters, Inc
Mobile, AL
Representing The American Equity Underwriters, Inc.
Shayne Daum* Director Safety & Operations
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Representing British Columbia Maritime Employers Assoc.
Joseph Farley  Vice President – Safety & Security
Maher Terminals LLC
Elizabeth, NJ
Representing The Shipping Association of New York and New Jersey
Mike Hall Assoc. Coast Director Accident Prevention and Training Strategy
Pacific Maritime Association
San Francisco, CA
Representing Pacific Maritime Association
Kevin Hayes General Manager
Charles Stevedoring Company, LLC
Representing South Carolina Stevedores Association
Nick Johnson Safety & Training Manager
Miami, FL
Representing Southeast Florida Employer’s Association
Richard Lubert* Senior Vice President, Safety and Member Performance
Signal Administration
Wilton, CT
Representing Signal Administration
Jason McWaters, COSS CSST Safety Manager
New Orleans Terminal, LLC
New Orleans, LA
Representing New Orleans Terminal, LLC
Alex Montoya HSSE Manager
Ceres Terminal
Pasadena, TX
Representing West Gulf Maritime Association
Bill Nelson Director H&S
Husky Terminal
Seattle, WA
Representing Pacific Maritime Association
Gaïus Renelick OHS Chief of Service
Maritime Employers Association
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Representing MEA
Tim Sheppard Corporate Director of Loss Control
The Cooper Group of Companies,
Mobile, AL
Representing Mobile Shipping Association
Ronald L. Signorino President
The Blueoceana Company, Inc.,
Basking Ridge, NJ
Representing United States Maritime Alliance
Jennie Perez Silva EHS Manager & FSO
Puerto Rico Terminals
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Representing PRNT
George Reynolds Director Safety & Security
Port Liberty Bayonne
Bayonne, NJ
Representing Shipping Association of New York and New Jersey
Zach Walden Director of Port Safety
Hampton Roads Shipping Association
Norfolk, VA
Representing Hampton Roads Shipping Association

*Affiliate Members